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Pet Aromatherapy Safety Guide: Pampering Your Furry Child from Odor Poisoning

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A pet’s sense of smell is one of their superpowers, and while a dog’s sense of smell is 100,000 times greater than a human’s, a cat’s sense of smell is 9 to 16 times greater than a human’s. This powerful olfactory ability makes it easy for our fur kids to become mesmerized by fragrances, which can lead to poisoning. However, before you consider giving up your favorite scented candles, let’s take a look at how you can ensure the safety of your pets as well as the aroma of your home.

First and foremost, it’s crucial to use a natural wax base. Soy candles, beeswax candles, or vegetable wax candles are usually dye-free and stay away from paraffin/petroleum by-product household products. These natural candles do not produce harsh odors when burned. It is also key to choose to use natural fragrances or diluted essential oils. Synthetic fragrances can cause eye and nose discharge and sneezing, while only those made from all-natural ingredients, such as herbs or certain essential oils, are non-toxic to dogs and cats.

Carrier Oil

Next, it is very important to check the scent. All-natural scented candles are usually made with essential oils. However, unlike humans, dogs and cats lack the proper enzymes to break down and digest many essential oils. As a result, if essential oils are not properly diluted or distilled, absorption by your pet may result in adverse reactions such as respiratory irritation, vomiting or difficulty breathing. For this reason, only use scented candles that are derived from natural fragrances (such as herbs, fruits, and plants) as well as high-quality, steam-distilled, pure essential oils, and make sure they are properly diluted.

Empty Reed Diffuser Bottles

It is also very important to maintain ventilation. Always make sure that the room where you light your candles is well ventilated and has good air circulation. Or, simply open the windows so that any air freshener can give off its scent and dissipate its concentration.

Finally, keep an eye on your pet’s reaction. If your pet leaves the room after you light your favorite candle, it may be that the candle’s scent is beyond their sensory load. This is the signal that prompts you to blow out the burning candle and give your beloved pet some fresh air!

Cats and dogs may exhibit a number of different symptoms when affected by odor poisoning, but here are some common signs:

Difficulty breathing: Your pet may begin to breathe rapidly or with difficulty. This may show up as rapid breathing or the appearance of difficulty breathing.

omiting or diarrhea: Your pet may show signs of vomiting or diarrhea, which is a natural reaction of the body trying to get rid of harmful substances.

Eye or Nose Irritation: Odor poisoning may cause your pet’s eyes or nose to become itchy or irritated, as evidenced by tears or a runny nose.

Dullness or weakness: Pets may become dull or weak and lose energy.

Abnormal Behavior: Pets may exhibit abnormal behavior such as hiding, restlessness or unusual scratching.

Loss of Appetite: Odor poisoning may cause your pet to lose its appetite and be reluctant to eat.

Excessive Salivation: Pets may exhibit excessive salivation, which may be characterized by excessive drooling.

Drowsiness or coma: In severe cases of poisoning, pets may show signs of drowsiness or coma.

It is important to watch your pet’s reaction. If your pet leaves the room after you light your favorite candle, it may be that the candle’s scent is beyond their sensory load. This is the signal that prompts you to blow out the burning candle and give your beloved pet a breath of fresh air If you notice your cat or dog experiencing any of these symptoms and suspect that odor poisoning is the cause, take him or her to the veterinarian immediately for diagnosis and treatment. Early treatment is key to ensuring your pet’s recovery.

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